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Research Projects

The research aspects of Metacoustics are associated with the source mechanisms that generate acoustic emission activity from a material and associated structure. If the source mechanism can be identified, there is a good chance that remedial treatment and/or modifications to plant operating conditions can be advised. The basic research programs aim to :-

  1. Identify source mechanisms and prescribe remedial options, such a the brittle fracture, fatigue failure and the transition of micro-cracking to macro-cracking in a steel structure, are shown below.
  2. Develop plant, and structure specific analysis programs that allow realistic evaluation of the condition of the monitored structure
  3. Provide a Structural Integrity Index and Remnant Life estimate, so that programmed maintenance scheduling is a reality.
  4. Develop new and advanced monitoring equipment, linked to plant/structure operating conditions, and facilitate remote monitoring of the instrumented structure.

Research Projects
Research Projects
Research Projects